I have so much to share with you. 

I’ve been fascinated with women’s health since college and hold a deep passion for helping women live their best lives, finding the dynamic balance of feminine and masculine energies that kindles their unique inner light. I am incredibly curious and can help you find the root causes of your health challenges by:

  • Asking lots of questions

  • Pulling from my vast medical knowledge to help you construct a healing story

  • Helping you to build your "dream team" for health and wellness

  • Facilitating the change in patterns (behavior, thoughts, movement) that you yearn for 

  • Guiding you to tune your energy body and listening deeply

  • Trusting Universal energies to provide a healing path for you

How did I develop this system for helping others?

I've have been blessed with health challenges that have allowed me to be a curious consumer of many treatment approaches for myself over the past two decades for many issues including back and pelvic pain, infertility, bloating and food sensitivities, and parasites.  I found that embodiment practices (which have looked different for me at different times in my life including yoga, meditation, dance, Qigong) are the key to untangling the movement, emotional, and consciousness patterns that aren’t serving our highest self.  I have engaged with body workers, energy healers, mental health professionals, physical therapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, medical doctor specialists, optometrists, dentists, coaches, acupuncturists and the list goes on.  I have learned through my journey that deep listening from a “tuned energy body” is the foundation for health and wellbeing.

I can guide you to learn these tools. And you don’t have to learn alone. Community is a powerful healing tool.

My mission here at Whole Women Wellness is to support women on their unique life journeys and build a community of  empowered women who light up the world with their resilience, know how to truly nourish themselves, and are equipped to the support our next generations’ connection to their own inner light and mother earth.  

Hi, I’m Dr. Wren

I’m a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, neighbor, integrative women’s health coach, medical Qigong instructor, physical therapist, culinary genius, and nature lover. As women, often we wear so many hats and yearn to shine while wearing each of them. Can you relate? My journey has been about learning how to be authentic and feel nourished in each of my roles AND at the same time, trust that is enough.

Training and Certifications

  • Integrative Women's Health Coach, 2022, The Integrative Women's Health Institute

  • Certified Medical Qigong Instructor, 2019, Institute of Qigong and Integrative Medicine

  • Postural Restoration Certified TherapistTM, 2014 Postural Restoration Institute®

  • Women’s Health Clinical Specialist, 2013 American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy, 2010, Duke University

  • Master’s of Science in Exercise Science, 2007, Western Washington University

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, 2001, University of Washington

Email if you would like access to my full CV, including publications and more specific details on my clinical background