field of flowers

Birth Healing

Planned for Winter 2025

at Center for Spiritual Living in Bellingham, WA

Since birthing, are you feeling?

Jittery nerves and difficulty relaxing

Sore hips and pelvis all the time

Angry, overwhelmed and disconnected

A loss of control and power

Disappointed with your care team

Disconnected from your child

Giving birth is an important rite of passage and integrating this transformation into parenthood can feel overwhelming and isolating, especially when injury and trauma occur.

Join healers, Wren McLaughlin and Jenna Anderson, to welcome and witness your birth experience (whether it was 3 months ago or 30 years ago) within a container of safety and community.

During this workshop we will explore Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®), Qigong, journaling, and embodied movement in community
as medicine to heal and integrate your birth experience(s).

Birthing doesn’t always happen the way we envision it...

Dr. Wren McLaughlin (she/her) is an Integrative Women’s Health Coach and Physical Therapist born and raised on the ancestral homelands of Nooksack, Lummi and other Coast Salish peoples and descended from Anglo European peoples. Wren is a student of embodiment in her own inheritance and creation story. She is passionate about guiding others toward greater health and wellbeing while acknowledging this land, peoples, and all living beings who reside here have experienced loss and harm.

We are all seeking renewal into something as yet unimagined and embodiment (which she defines as experiencing a sense of home inside your body) is one pathway toward this renewal that Wren has been exploring for the past 25 years. As a parent and birther herself, she found TRE®, Qigong, writing, and group somatic work extremely nourishing for her own transformation into parenthood.

The practice of creating “we” is essential to the cultivation of richness in belonging and enoughness. Pausing to support integration of our unique birth experiences allows greater capacity to meet our children in their basic desires to: be seen, be worthy, and to matter. In her facilitation, Wren holds space for your presence, in your humanity, with all your identities, cultures, ancestors, orientations, physical abilities, traumas, and joys as part of the collective creation story.

Learn more about Wren

Meet Your Facilitators

Jenna Anderson (she/her) is a seasoned body worker, descended primarily from Anglo European peoples, who lives, works and plays on the ancestral homelands of Nooksack, Lummi and other Coast Salish peoples. Born on the east coast, she lived a true Air Force upbringing, calling many places home before settling in the the Northwest. Jenna combines Craniosacral Therapy with MyoFascial Release and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, offering gentle treatments for all ages. Jenna also teaches tools for nervous system support that, once learned, enhance connection and resilience.

Jenna is a "Trauma Informed" bodyworker certified in Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) and The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). When Jenna is away from her office and her Zoom room, she enjoys learning about new ways to support transformation, traveling with her family, and spending time in nature.

As a mom first, Jenna brings her own joys and experiences with birth challenges, injuries and learning disabilities to her facilitation style. She understands firsthand the journey of parenthood and our universal yearning for deeply nurturing presence. These experiences have enriched her understanding of the various needs and dynamics within family life, enhancing her ability to hold space for the evolving needs of parents as they discover their pathways towards greater wellness potential, where healing transcends convention and the body's innate wisdom is honored.

Learn more about Jenna

We'll Explore

  • Power of sacred space for navigating the depths of our individual and collective hurts that often linger unacknowledged.

  • Language of our nervous system to support our awareness of moving between states of being and building deeper internal wisdom.

  • Methods for tending our birth experiences through Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises, Qigong, ritual, writing, and embodied movement practices.

  • Abundance energy of Autumn that offers opportunity for deep resting into gratitude, healing, and connection.

Workshop Location

Center for Spiritual Living

2224 Yew Street Rd, Bellingham, WA 98229

Located on seven-acres of meadows and woodlands, sword ferns and a network of trails to enjoy during our breaks.

Walking Trails at CSL Campus

forest at daytime
forest at daytime

Cost: $199

*Register by 09/13/24 and save $50
Use promo code: HEALINGBIRTH24

Limited to 18 participants
Scholarships available, please inquire.

Early-bird registration deadline September 13th

Registration Details

woman sitting with baby on her lap surrounded with purples flower
woman sitting with baby on her lap surrounded with purples flower
field of flowers

"Since the retreat, I have felt a desire to tap into more spiritual supports for regular rejuvenation and I felt more in touch with community."

- Retreat Attendee Spring 2022

"The retreat was incredibly healing, supportive, safe, nurturing. You led with grace, intuition, providing so many helpful tools. Your gift of healing the womb and guidance of the spirit is truly what you were meant to manifest into the world.

- Retreat Attendee Spring 2022

Here's what previous attendees are saying...

”I feel more at peace with my situation and less sad, to be honest. I really feel like I took an honest step towards healing and realized how important it is to focus on myself and not continue to put other's needs in front of my own, just to keep busy."


"I feel lighter, more able to approach my days without anxiety, more clear on what my needs really boil down to, and am smiling so much more!"


Frequently asked questions

What are Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises?

TRE® is an innovative series of exercises created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system.

Can I bring my chest-feeding child with me?

We are delighted to have little ones present (under 6 months) and we ask that you let us know in advance if they will be joining you. There are some segments of the workshop that will be easier to participate in without your little one needing your attention. We will let you know the day's schedule in advance so if you want to have a caregiver bring your little one to you during lunch hour or at other times, that will also be an option. There will be a cozy place available for pumping as well.

I'm pregnant now, can I participate?

Yes, we'd love to have you join this workshop. It is wonderful opportunity to build embodied confidence and release fears and worries prior to birthing again. Some of the activities are not appropriate for all stages and situations in pregnancy so please reach out and chat with us if you are interested in attending during pregnancy.

What if I have physical limitations and pain? Can I participate?

This workshop is designed for all bodies in all stages of healing. Wren is a board-certified women's health physical therapist and Jenna is a licensed massage therapist who, combined have over 42 years of clinical experience. We know bodies! You will be offered choice in all activities and we will support everyone to listen inward and explore what feels safe and nourishing. Witnessing others moving in their bodies is also powerful medicine. If you have specific limitations, we ask that you share those with us on the pre-workshop survey or contact us directly so that we will be able to better support any modifications you might need.

What is Qigong?

Qigong is an ancient Chinese method for cultivating health and healing through movement, breath and meditation. Your life force energy is incredibly powerful and learning the felt-experience of energy flow through your body can help you feel embodied and empowered as you integrate impactful life experiences like birthing.

What if I don't feel like my birth experience was particularly traumatic but I feel called to spend time integrating my experience?

Birth is an incredibly powerful rite of passage and for most, there are aspects of the experience that linger with curiosities or holding patterns in our bodies. Perhaps the birth itself feels integrated but the early days of parenting were extremely challenging or you felt unsupported. In the collective expression of this rite of passage, all experiences are welcome and honored.

Does it matter how long ago I gave birth?

No, if you are newly postpartum or your experience was decades ago, we welcome you. The body can hold onto challenging experiences for a long time and perhaps you are just now feeling like you have the bandwidth to explore the birth of your grown children. All are welcome.

What if I had a pregnancy loss, still birth or full-term loss?

You are absolutely welcome at this workshop. Your experience with the birthing process is sacred whether your child is living now or not. Our intention is to create a space where all birth experiences can be witnessed and honored.

What is the cancellations policy?

Refunds for cancellations made up to 48 hours in advance available if your spot can be filled from the waiting list (minus a $30 administration fee). Cancellations within 48 hours of workshop are non-refundable.

What does the workshop cost cover?

We want this workshop to be accessible to all those interested. The early bird rate is set at the price of a single 1:1 care session and provides you with 6 hours of dedicated time to explore and integrate your birthing experience in a sacred community space. You will receive support and feedback from two seasoned healers. The cost also includes snacks, tea, handouts, and a re-usable fabric rice bag. If cost is a barrier for you, inquire about scholarship opportunities.

Come heal your birth experience and reimagine what is possible for you.