woman in white bath towel holding her hair

Optimize your
Breast Health & Balance your Hormones with Qigong

Classes meet Mondays 9/30, 10/14, 10/28

5 - 7 PM at Chuckanut Center in Fairhaven

Would you like your breasts to be a symbol of connection and empowerment for you?

Do you seek ways to foster connection and promote positive energy flow through your breasts?

Are you weary of your breasts causing pain, fear, embarrassment, or feeling disconnected from your body?

Do you sense hormonal imbalance and seek natural remedies for support?

Do you feel confined by societal norms that either sexualize or medicalize your breasts?

Are you prepared to embrace, appreciate, and tune into your breasts with care?

Class 1: Detoxify and Cleanse

  • Explore Estrogen Dominance and Breast Health from Western and Eastern viewpoints

  • Examine toxins

  • Qigong practices for liver and spleen Qi movement

  • Emotional release techniques

  • Detoxification approaches

Class 2: Nourish and Energize

  • Acupressure for breast energy flow

  • Kidney and spleen/pancreas health

  • Qigong for better sleep

  • Microcosmic orbit for nervous system and hormone balance

  • Divine Waterfall meditation

  • Natural progesterone enhancement practices

Class 3: Balance and Harmonize

  • Learn Tibetan Healing Sounds for breast health and hormone balancing

  • Self-breast massage (with clothing)

  • Activate Chong meridian with Qigong to regulate endocrine glands and improve vitality

  • Explore Qigong movements for Qi regulation

  • Reinforce smooth Liver Qi flow

  • Support developing a weekly self-care practice

Dr. Wren McLaughlin (she/her) is an Integrative Women’s Health Coach and Physical Therapist born and raised on the ancestral homelands of Nooksack, Lummi and other Coast Salish peoples and descended from Anglo European peoples. Wren is a student of embodiment in her own inheritance and creation story. She is passionate about guiding others toward greater health and wellbeing while acknowledging this land, peoples, and all living beings who reside here have experienced loss and harm.

We are all seeking renewal into something as yet unimagined and embodiment (which she defines as experiencing a sense of home inside your body) is one pathway toward this renewal that Wren has been exploring for the past 25 years.

Learning more about how we can relate to our breasts as part of our wholeness is foundational to Wren's approach to women's health. In her facilitation, Wren holds space for your presence, in your humanity, with all your identities, cultures, ancestors, orientations, physical abilities, traumas, and joys as part of the collective creation story.

Learn more about Wren

Meet Your Facilitator


Chuckanut Center

103 Chuckanut Drive, Bellingham, WA 98225

Learn more about Chuckanut Center

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Cost: $150 for 3 class sessions

Limited to 8 participants

25% of proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood - to deliver breast screening services to women in our community.

Full and partial scholarships available, please inquire.

Registration Details

Frequently asked questions

What if I have physical limitations, pain, or have had breast surgery or cancer treatments? Can I participate?

This workshop is designed for all bodies in all stages of health and healing. You will be offered choice in all activities and I will support everyone to listen inward and explore what feels safe and nourishing. If you are actively undergoing radiation or chemotherapy please contact me directly, If you have specific limitations, I ask that you share those with us on the pre-workshop survey so that I will be able to better support any modifications you might need.

What is Qigong?

Qigong, an ancient Chinese practice, focuses on promoting health and healing by incorporating movement, breathwork, and meditation. The vital life force energy within you holds immense power. By understanding the sensation of energy flowing through your body, you can feel more connected and empowered to navigate life's challenges and joys.

What is the cancellations policy?

Refunds for cancellations made up to 48 hours in advance available if your spot can be filled from the waiting list (minus a $30 administration fee). Cancellations within 48 hours of first class are non-refundable. If you know in advance that you will be missing one of the classes, please contact me directly for a discount code.

What does the cost of these classes cover?

Three 2-hour classes, hormone healthy snacks, tea, and handouts with each session. The cost also includes access to video recordings of some of the Qigong routines taught. 25% of proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood, who deliver free breast screening services in our community. If cost is a barrier for you, inquire about scholarship opportunities.

woman in pink and white polka dot shirt

In October, we can honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month by delving into creative strategies for hormone balance and breast health.